
The Flash Tues. 5/5 Preview


With so much occurring during these last few episodes of The Flash, let’s recap what we know so far:

  • Dr. Wells was murdered by Eobard Thawne, the real Reverse Flash, and Thawne stole Wells’s body and his identity.
  • Barry, Cisco and Caitlin have stumbled upon Thawne’s secret hideout inside S.T.A.R. Labs and saw the future article from 2020 that we’ve seen Thawne pull up every so often via the A.I. known as Gideon, who turns out to have been created by Barry, himself, in the future.
  • Barry and the others have discovered Thawne’s secret through Joe’s detective work in Starling City when Joe along with Cisco and Detective Lance dug up the real body of Dr. Wells 15 years after the incident.
  • Iris has discovered the truth that Barry is The Flash.
  • Gorilla Grodd was introduced to us a few months ago when Reverse Flash brought General Eiling down to the sewers and sent Grodd to attack Eiling.
  • Thawne has made his real intentions clear with the team and has now captured Eddie Thawne.

There’s a lot riding on Barry. Especially now that he knows the seriousness of the situation at hand with Thawne being on the loose with Eddie as his hostage. It’s up to him and the rest of his team to stop the Reverse Flash and get Eddie out of Thawne’s trap alive. But as we know, it’s never really that easy, is it?

Nope, because as we’ve seen in the previews leading up to tomorrow night’s episode, Thawne has sent out his greatest ally to distract The Flash and rest of his team, not God…but Grodd! Our favorite and extremely intelligent evil ape is now out to destroy The Flash and it seems like nothing will stop him from completely annihilating everyone and everything in his path.

In other news, Iris has officially discovered that Barry was keeping a big secret from her, too. His secret identity as The Flash. Now, with that trust being broken, where does this leave the two in terms of their friendship? Will she even look at Barry the same ever again? Will Barry have that much more to worry about now that he knows that Iris knows of his super speed?

Possible trust issues? A hostage situation? An over-sized gorilla on the loose? What else could go wrong?

Find out on tomorrow’s exciting, yet nerve-racking, all-new episode of The Flash at 8 p.m. on SFL-TV the CW!