MILWAUKEE - Two cheesy crimes in Wisconsin have police playing a game of cat and mouse. 70-thousand dollars worth of cheese was stolen in Germantown near Milwaukee, and 90-thousand dollars worth of Parmesan was stolen in Marshfield, about three hours away.
The stash in Germantown was grated from a shipping warehouse inside a semi truck. Police say with that amount, the cheese capers could only have one mission.
"I believe that the intention was to sell cheese," said Lt. James Theep, of Germantown Police Department.
If Homer Simpson had anything to do with the crime, cops might not have stood a chance at recovering it, and would just have to let things brie.
Thankfully, for the cops, the search got feta. They found the that stash of cheese about 10 hours later in no other place than Milwaukee.
Store manager for Wisconsin Cheese Mart & Uber Tap Room, Kelley Cramer said "It almost seems like it's a bunch of cowboys out there, trying to steal cheese."
Since no arrests have been made in either case, so cops are still hot on the "queso."