Sincerely, “B D Cheeseburger.” That’s the way Mr. Bacon Double Cheeseburger’s been signing off his work emails since he legally changed his name away from Sam Smith.
“It was the culmination of probably too many drinks in the pub where there was a conversation about names,” Cheeseburger told the Evening Standard, “Bacon Double Cheeseburger was pretty much the first thing that came up. Everyone loves bacon don’t they?”
They sure do, Bacon. But maybe not your fiancé, who soon may be forced to become Mrs. Cheeseburger.
“My fiancée is fairly reluctant about marrying a Cheeseburger,” he said, “That’s something we’re discussing a lot. No girl ever dreams of spending her big day marrying a man called Bacon.”
B D Cheeseburger is just one of the record-breaking 85,000 people who changed their name in 2015. Back in May, 19-year old Adam Armstrong changed his name to “Adam West” (the guy who played the original Batman) after his girlfriend’s father jokingly booked his Ryanair flight under that name.