

Car runs over motorcycle in bizarre road rage incident caught on video

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TAMPA, Fla. — Police in Florida arrested a man following a bizarre hit-and-run crash that was caught on video.

The incident happened on Monday around 5:35 p.m. near Tampa. Cell phone video captured a car running over a motorcycle with his car. The rider and passenger barely escaped serious injury.

According to Abe Garcia, who shot the video, the people on the motorcycle confronted the driver after the car cut the motorcyclist off.

Garcia told WFTS the man was “driving recklessly… like crazy out of control.”

During the confrontation, the driver, later identified as 31-year-old Robert Vance, went right for the motorcycle. Garcia said Vance went “complete psychopath.”

The motorcyclist, identified by WTSP as Navy veteran Joe Calderazzo, said he went to the hospital to get his leg checked.

“I thought the guy was trying to kill us, obviously,” Calderazzo told WTSP. “You know you don’t know what’s going through your mind. Is he going to put the car in reverse? Is he going to turn around? Is he going to stop and pull out a gun? You don’t know what’s going on.”

According to police, Vance is a habitual traffic offender. Charges against him include leaving the scene of a crash and aggravated battery.