

Camera catches lion lunging at toddler and face-planting on glass wall

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If you own a cat, you know that they crouch down and pounce while playing.

The same thing was caught on video, but with a much larger cat – a 400 pound lion at a zoo in Chiba, Japan.

A two-year-old boy got a very close encounter when the lion lunged after the boy turned his back.

The good news is that a glass wall was separating the two when the lion pounced, smashing his face into the wall.

The glass wall is only about a month old, allowing lions to see their human visitors more closely than ever before.

Zookeepers say the lion acts similarly each time he sees a small child, and simply wants to play with them.

Do you think the lion was just playing?

Either way, it’s a good thing that glass wall is thick!