

New study reveals why some couples are able to resist temptation and never cheat

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NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - What's the secret to a 'no-cheating' relationship?

Researchers at Rutgers University say it's no secret but actually "science" that keeps happy couples together.

In a new study published in the "Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin," researchers tested a theory that people in happy relationships subconsciously see anyone who could pose a threat to their bond as "less attractive than they really are."

Turns out the study found that college students with a boyfriend or girlfriend who were paired with a lab partner who is single and interested in dating saw that person as "unattractive."

Yeah, the scientific term for this phenomenon is called "devaluing temptation," which means that happy couples tend to block out temptation-- subconsciously.

But is this finding true in the real world?

"I haven't personally experienced it, but I definitely think it's possible," Houstonian Hannah Fritsch said. "If you love that person so much, then why would you give it up?"

Marcus Jones agreed. "I do believe it's's not a myth. There are those good people out there who still believe in monogamy."

Alright...guess we'll just have to take your word for it.