PORTLAND, Oregon - For decades, investigators across the Great Northwest have searched for the one and only furry, fuzzy 'Bigfoot.'
And now 'Sasquatch' has finally been found at an Oregon elementary school!
The big guy turned up on the streets of Portland to promote traffic safety in school zones. The whole event is sponsored by the city's Department of Transportation.
Luckily, this Sasquatch just wants to do a good deed.
"I'm just trying to send a message," the furry crusader said. "I hope that if they'll stop for me, they'll stop for the little creatures on the road."
And while hunters have tried for years to put Sasquatch in their cross-hairs, now he turns up in a crosswalk, instead.
Just goes to show, even Sasquatch can take us to school!
"Everybody's doing it!" he insisted. "Being safe!"
Look both ways, Sasquatch!