

7-year-old’s inspiring video on Down syndrome: ‘It’s not scary, it’s so exciting’

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LOS ANGELES -- A 7-year-old girl's video spreading awareness about Down Syndrome Awareness Month is inspiring thousands.

According to, little Sofia, who has Down syndrome, was abandoned at birth and spent the first year of her life at an orphanage in Russia.

Jennifer Sanchez told Fox News her family decided to adopt Sofia in 2010 after their youngest of three sons was born with Down syndrome. Since then, Sofia has become a hit on Instagram, where she shares heartfelt messages about the disorder.

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Sofia has a bit more to share about Down syndrome for this wonderful month of awareness! #dsawareness #changingthefaceofbeauty #itsnotscaryatall

A post shared by Jennifer Varanini Sanchez (@thesanchezsix) on

The video, which was posted onthe family's Instagram page a week ago, has garnered thousands of views and more than 250 comments.

Jennifer posted their short conversation on Facebook, where it quickly spread.

“Little miss, do you have Down syndrome?” Jennifer asks Sofia in the phone-shot video.

“Yes, I do have Down syndrome,” she replies. Sofia explains that Down syndrome is “in your blood,” to which her mom responds, “Does it make your blood special?”

“Yeah!” Sofia exclaims.

“Is Down syndrome scary?” Jennifer then asks, and Sofia responds, “No, it’s not scary! It’s so exciting!”