

Soldiers’ simple acts of kindness make boy’s day brighter

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SNOHOMISH, Wash. - This is a story about kindness.

The type of story we need to hear about more often.

The kind of story that brings people together.

Alyssa Galios shared the story on Facebook. She was in a Washington State Starbucks working away Wednesday morning like she often does. But she was about to witness something extraordinary this time.

She said the coffee shop was pretty empty except for a table with a mother and her three young children.

Alyssa was typing away when she noticed two soldiers walk into the shop in all of their gear. The kids went silent when they saw the two men.

After placing their orders, one of the soldiers turns around -- sensing a pair of young eyes. He went over to the boy and asked him how his day was going. They have a quick chat and the soldier learns that the boy's favorite superhero is Spider-Man.

Then the soldier ripped off his velcro American flag patch and gave it to the young boy.

The other soldier then walked over and did the same -- giving the boy his American flag patch right off of his uniform.

As you can imagine, the little boy smiled wide with happiness.

Soon after, it was time for the kids to go to school. So the boys' mother thanked the two soldiers, Edgar Gonzalez and Pedro Cordoba, profusely.

And with Friday being Veterans' Day, this is a perfect reminder to thank those who've served.

Read the full story below: