You’d better be ready for quite an adventure because “The Flash” is going somewhere it’s never been before. More than once, Grodd the telepathic Gorilla has brought his particular brand of destruction to Central City. Now it’s time for payback, as Team Flash heads to Gorilla City to rescue Harry (Tom Cavanagh), who’s been kidnapped.
Instead of one brainy ape messing up the Flash’s world, the team’s dealing with a whole society of very special gorillas in the two-part special — and we simply can’t wait. Luckily, thanks to new photos and trailers released for the upcoming “Attack on Gorilla City,” we have an idea of what to expect… And pardon our excitement, but it looks like “The Flash’s” most epic outing yet.
So what is there to know about the Gorilla City saga? Let’s have a look and find out.
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