
Did Kara make the right choice in choosing Mon-El over Mxyzptlk?

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Kara (Melissa Benoist) had her plate full with dudes eager to date her on Monday’s (Feb. 20) episode of “Supergirl,” but we’re honestly not sure which of them is the worse option.

Obviously Mxyzptlk (Peter Gadiot) presents some serious danger for, well, everyone since his magical dimension-bending powers allow him to create endless possibilities for mayhem. From giant crystal monsters and resurrected parasite aliens, Mxyzptlk’s proclivity for violence and destruction is a pretty serious flaw. Plus, he pulled out the whole “nasty woman” thing, which is an instant turnoff. Ick.

Luckily, Kara recognized the many pitfalls of a potential relationship with the fifth dimensional being and immediately put Mxyzptlk on the “do not date” list.

Visit Screener for more insights into why Kara chose Mon-El …