

Ready to rock: Sonogram shows baby flashing distinctive hand sign

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SANTAQUIN, Utah – A Utah couple’s ultrasound images are attracting attention online after they noticed their unborn child's distinct hand position.

Makelle and Jared Ahlin of Santaquin said they spotted something unusual as they perused the ultrasound images.

“She kind of went past it, and I was just like, ‘Hey, go back, I need that picture!'” Jared Ahlin said.

In the ultrasound the infant appears to be holding his or her hand in a gesture familiar to anyone who has ever been to a rock concert.

The couple swears the images weren’t altered digitally, and they even have the original paper copies to back up that claim, according to KSTU.

“Our boys are very active I guess, so it probably sounds like they will fit in to the family,” Jared Ahlin said as Makelle adds: “They're pretty wild I would say.”

The baby is due toward the end of June and the couple have decided to keep the gender a surprise until delivery.