Hello my Legends Legionaires! It’s Richard from Zeus Comics!
Last season ended with time broken, but never fear fans Rip Hunter and his newly formed Time Bureau have it all under control leaving our legends to return to some sort of sad normalcy that is until Heatwave on vacay in Aruba discovers the very real Julius Ceasar.
The failure of Rip’s Time Bureau to capture the real Caesar brings Sarah and the Legends back to together again to prove to Rip their worth. But uh-oh upon dropping the Caesar back in the past time historian Nate inadvertently leaves Caesar a road map to his own history. Caesar in turn conquers the world.
The Legends eventually fix their mess in a final confrontation with the Romans and the Time Bureau. Rip reluctantly allows Sarah and the Legends with the Waverider to continue on as their unpredictability allows them to stumble into success mostly.
Teased all summer in promos our newest episode is the “greatest show on earth!” It’s PT Barnum and his crazy circus freakshow and no I’m not talking about the Legends. Plus it’s the return of Amaya! Will we also get a sneak of new cast member Zari?
Let’s find out in the next new Legends of Tomorrow Freakshow.