Jan Able is 61 and has been online dating for a while now.
"It was a huge waste of time and it was just profile after profile it was false ," said Jan Able.
About a month ago, she discovered a new dating app for people over 50 called Lumen.
Lumen focuses on shared interests, with a emphasis on quality conversations. One big advantage, the app uses artificial intelligence in an effort to keep scam artists off the platform. Every profile includes at least 3 pictures and you have to snap a selfie during sign up.
"The AI matches 600 different points across your face to make sure that you are the same person in the photo as the photos in your profile," said Charly Lester, Co-Founder, Lumen.
Lumen says people in their 50s and 60s are more likely to be targeted by scammers. It's free to sign up, but there are premium add ons.
"This is a demographic that really want to date. If you look significantly younger than 50, it will flag it immediately," said Lumen.
Plus, you can only contact 6 people a day and the first message you send must be at least 50 characters.
"You can't just message 100 people. You actually need to read their profile and pick out who you're talking to," said Lumen.
Jan says she is already enjoying the app. She recently went on her first Lumen connected date.
"We went for lunch and a movie and I had a wonderful time. It's kind of incredible to have such good luck so early on," said Able.