Cancer challenges all facets of your life which is why Oasis of Hope Hospital specializes in treating patients with an integrative approach. CEO of the hospital, Dr. Francisco Contreras, joined Inside South Florida to tell us more about how we've progressed in the treatment of cancer.
“This year, more people are going to die of cancer than last year, in spite of all of the research, money spent, and brainpower spent on looking for ways to beat cancer,” says Dr. Contreras. “I believe that the reason for that is that we have become mechanics of the human body and we disregard completely the spiritual and emotional needs of cancer patients.”
Dr. Contreras believes that adding a holistic approach to existing cancer treatment can help patients attack their illness more effectively.
“We provide not only physical resources, to our cancer patients, but also emotional and spiritual resources,” says Dr. Contreras. “That helps the patient respond much better to any therapy that you will provide to them.”
To learn more about Oasis of Hope, visit
This Inside South Florida segment is paid for by Oasis of Hope