Buying a home is a very involved process with a ton of different moving parts. Title agent and owner of Assure Title and Trust, Lory Mitchell, explains what you need to know about your next transaction.
The title company is there from day one, she says. They start working as soon as they got the contract, making sure your seller is who they say they are, checking for and solving any probate issues, and much more.
"We are like P.I's when it comes to buying your home, so we have to kind of look behind all the nooks and crannies," says Mitchell.
Several people will attempt to make their own deeds, which can have some mistakes that aren't common knowledge. Mitchell has seen buyers purchase foreclosed homes with no idea what was attached to them. One buyer was going to flip a foreclosed apartment and had no idea he had only paid the HOA fees, not the mortgage. A title company can help you spot these situations and get them sorted quickly.
There should be no surprises on closing day. For more information and other tips, you can head to