The new show, “Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns” has kicked off. Captains Sig and Mandy Hansen joined Inside South Florida to share what fans can look forward to this season.
“Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns was fished in Norway. I spent a few years there as a kid fishing during the summer months,” says Sig Hansen. “We've always had a very strong connection there because of our forefathers. We still have family back in the old country.”
Sailing the Norwegian Sea presented many of the same risks while also adding some new challenges for the family and crew.
“There are always those dangers such as fire, flooding, and man overboard. All those scenarios play a part no matter what ocean you're fishing or what boat you're on,” says Sig Hansen. “I was in different waters that I was not accustomed. It was challenging to say the least.”
You can watch Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns on Tuesdays 8PM ET on Discovery or on Discovery+
This Inside South Florida segment is paid for by PREMIERETV.