We've all seen the rows of magazine covers showcasing stars with their seemingly "perfect" bodies. But how real are those images, and are these body sizes even attainable for most people? Fitness expert Heather Frey weighs in on the reality of tabloids.
Heather calls the tabloids "a humongous bundle of lies." Most of these covers talk about losing a ton of weight in a week, magical waters to help your body burn fat, and losing a large number of inches off your weight. While it would be nice if these things were real, you can't get results like that unless there's surgery involved, she says.
Losing an amount like 15 pounds in a week would require you to burn over 50,000 calories in a week. Not only is this unattainable, but it's also dangerous. Heather points out that none of the articles she presented ever mention exercise.
"It's unrealistic, it's unfair," she says. "That's just an unhealthy way to think, 'Well I can lose weight like that,'...do it the right way, and have it forever."