The television series, “Going From Broke,” is back for season three. The show’s Co-host, Dan Rosensweig, joined Inside South Florida to share what fans can look forward to this season.
“Ashton Kutcher and I, the creator of the show, talked about it for years,” says Rosensweig. “His brilliance came up with something that people could learn from and be entertained.”
In the series’ new season, its hosts are reaching even more people.
“This new season is sort of fascinating. We've expanded the kinds of debt we've dealt with. It includes credit card debt, mortgage debt and debt from COVID. We have single and married couples,” says Rosensweig. “This is a really good opportunity to understand how money works.”
“Going From Broke” is streaming now on Crackle.
This Inside South Florida segment is paid for by PREMIERETV.