Health disparities are an issue that can often be overlooked and that is why company Carol’s Daughter is committed to changing that. Through their love delivered program, Carol’s Daughter aims to offer support to future black mothers.
“I find myself looking back at my story with new language and new information. And you know, sort of realizing the moments where perhaps the way that I was being treated had something to do with the color of my skin,” says Founder Lisa Price. “At the time, that wasn't part of my conversation. But today, we have statistics, we understand that this is something that's happening to black women.”
According to the CDC, in New York City alone, black women are nine times more likely to die of a pregnancy related causes than white women and their rate of infant mortality is more than three times higher.
“These are people who would be thriving otherwise but are being denied their basic human needs.” Says Latham Thomas, Founder of the Mama Glow Foundation.
To learn more about health disparities and how you can help, go to
This Inside South Florida segment is paid for by Carol’s Daughter