South Florida is notorious for its crazy drivers and road rage. Meditation teacher Suzanne Jewell says viewing traffic as a moment to practice peace.
We all learned how to stop, drop, and roll in the case of a fire. You can use a technique of the same name to help keep you cool during traffic. That anger or frustration we feel when someone cuts us off or slams on the breaks is actually something we can control.
"It's important to pause because that lets things settle a little bit," she says.
When you feel that sensation of anger or rage, stop for a moment and identify the bodily sensations that come with it. Is your face hot? Are you gripping the steering wheel too tight? Once you recognize this, take a deep breath through your nose and release it through your mouth. Now, you're rolling with the waves of anger, she says.
Once you let your breath return to normal, you've been able to outpace the anger. Rather than fueling the emotions, you were able to take control back.
Practice the stop, drop, and roll whenever you're in stressful situations, and save yourself some peace of mind.