The impact of mental health can affect an individual’s overall wellbeing. “Odyssey Of a Phoenix: Down in Flames’” Author, Jed Morgan, joined Inside South Florida to share how his book can help those suffering with mental illness.
“The main character is extremely suicidal and very depressed. The villain wants to take away all human pain and suffering. The main character has to realize that it's only because of his mental issues, that he's able to experience true joy,” says Morgan. “He has a better understanding of that because he can see the contrast of the best and worst of humanity because of his struggles.”
The story portrayed is personal to Morgan. It reflects his experience with mental health.
“I would have to experience those same motions that I was writing about. I had to remember the darkest moments from my own history and relive those emotions to the utmost degree,” says Morgan. “In writing a solution for Arien, I wrote a solution for myself at the same time. It became therapeutic in the end.”
“Odyssey Of a Phoenix: Down in Flames” is available where books are sold.
This Inside South Florida segment is paid for by Writers Republic.