We are always trying to find ways to stay healthy. Health Coach, Julianne Vaccaro, shared with us how when it comes to women's health, focusing on your spiritual well-being can actually be the trick to meeting your long-term goals.
“So much of my own journey started out in the holistic health coaching space about a decade ago,” says Vacarro. “I really wanted to have a sense of freedom in my life and freedom has really been my anchor in my journey.”
She follows what she calls her four pillars method.
“I'm the founder of the goddess approach methodology,” says Vacarro. “And the goddess approach is about healing on all layers of who you are, from the inside out. So we take a very holistic approach to healing and wellness and overall well-being.”
You can learn more about her spiritual growth and healing at juliannevaccaro.com
This Inside South Florida Segment is paid for by VIP Media