It’s summer in South Florida and that means air conditioners are working overtime. FPL Spokesperson, Ana Espinosa, joined Inside South Florida to share tips to help reduce your energy cost.
“The best way to save is set it and forget it when it comes to your thermostat. For every degree that you increase your thermostat setting, it saves you three to five percent on your cooling cost,” says Espinosa. “Increasing your thermostat setting will help you save a large amount of money because a majority of your bill is made up by cooling cost.”
The FPL Energy Manager is a resourceful tool to help customer monitor their bills.
“It really does allow you to see exactly what in your home is using energy,” says Espinosa. “It shows you the exact percentage being used, and how many dollars and cents you're spending on each category.”
For more information, visit
This Inside South Florida segment is paid for by FPL.