This year the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival will be a hybrid experience, offering in-theatre and virtual screenings of more than 150 films.
The festival is open through November 21st, with a variety of themes including 15 prominent black-themed films.
One of them is the short film “I Elect: Power Every Four Years”. The film takes a look at the power of voting, the urgent call to fight voter suppression and racism.
"It’s about that pivotal moment that Bella has that says 'I can no longer step back and allow these things to happen'. Things in my community, right outside my door and some instances inside my house. There are things that are happening that are taking away people’s civil rights," said actress, Carey Brianna Hart.
The film was also inspired by the brave Parkland students who stood up to the tragic mass shooting at their high school and their courage of activism.
"The rights of these children being violated and their voices not being heard is still so relevant in 2020 and still relevant now in 2021," she added.
Among other films at the festival is “One Pint at a Time”. The documentary follows three black brewing masters who are trying to break into the industry they love.
"One of the shocking statistics that got me interested in making this film is that of the close to 9,000 breweries that are in operation today in the U.S., less than one percent are black-owned. Meanwhile, multicultural people make up one third of the consumer based for beer," said producer and director of One Pint at a Time, Aaron Hose.
Being released this year, the film couldn’t shy away from the pandemic and the murder of George Floyd. Before all of this, Hose said it was just a movie about breweries.
"There were some things that the beer industry did to help raise money for police reform. I want the film to open these conversations about the need to diversify this particular industry and as patrons be more intentional on who you support but in general just inspire everyone to follow their bliss," added Hose.
"The thing about film, for me, it’s the ultimate art form. It unites people because it speaks to their cultures and lets their culture speak to you as well. So it is really the great mobilizer as far as bringing people together," said president & CEO of FLIFF, Gregory von Hausch.
Every year, the festival brings in thousands of people to South Florida from around the world.
You can find a schedule of where and when films will be showcased at