

"Turnabout is fair play": Florida CFO defends undocumented migrant flight operation

Immigration DeSantis Flights
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — As soon as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' plans to ship undocumented migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard were executed, controversy has swirled around the program.

Investigative reporter Katie LaGrone talked to Florida's Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis about why he signed off on using taxpayer money on the flights. She also found new information about the company selected for the program and its history of campaign donations in the state.

“I signed for the authorization for those flights to take place, that’s on the state's checkbook,” said Patronis, a staunch supporter of Governor DeSantis.

Patronis said it was a simple decision to authorize the money for the operation to fly approximately 50 undocumented migrants from Texas to Martha’s vineyard earlier this month.

Immigration DeSantis Flights
A woman, who is part of a group of immigrants that had just arrived, holds a child as they are fed outside St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Wednesday Sept. 14, 2022, in Edgartown, Mass., on Martha's Vineyard. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday flew two planes of immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, escalating a tactic by Republican governors to draw attention to what they consider to be the Biden administration's failed border policies. (Ray Ewing/Vineyard Gazette via AP)

“It was easy for me. For the previous two years, this administration, in the dark of night, was shipping illegal immigrants to four corners of the United States, including the State of Florida, and just releasing them. Turnabout is fair play. We did the exact same thing that the federal government was already doing,” Patronis said.

To date, state records show Florida has paid more than $1.5 million dollars to Vertol Systems Company Inc. for the “relocation program of unauthorized aliens.”

The Oregon-based company, has a P.O. Box in Destin FL its website showed last week. The compan describes itself as providing aircraft equipment and services. CFO Patronis said the company also operates out of Crestview, FL where two flights transporting Venezuelan migrants stopped on the way to Martha’s Vineyard on September 14th.

Vertol Systems’ website has since been taken down and the head of the company has not responded to multiple attempts to reach him.

Vertol Systems Company, Inc website via Internet Archive
A screenshot of Vertol Systems Company, Inc website via Internet Archive

While Governor DeSantis’ office has yet to explain Vertol’s exact role in the migrant flights last week, CFO Patronis told us what he thinks Florida paid the company for.

“They're just the equipment owner operator. I don't think there was anything else other more than that. But again, I'm not personally familiar with their operations or their company, that’s just my understanding,” said Patronis.

The state CFO has signed off on two separate six-figure payments to the company this month including a $950,000 payment made to Vertol Systems on September 19th. The first payment of $615,000 was made to the company on September 8th, six days before the migrants were dropped off at Martha’s Vineyard.

Campaign finance records show Vertol systems has also logged thousands in political campaign dollars in Florida with contributions totaling $26,000 to Florida Republicans since 2017.

The contributions include a $10,000 donation to the Republican Party a few years ago and a $1,000 donation this past June to FL Representative Jay Trumbull of Panama City. Trumbull is running for State Senate and is the current Chair of the House Appropriations Committee.


“It seems like the Governor is not only attacking immigrants once again, but he's also leveraging conservative donors to do his bidding by giving them public money,” said Florida Representative Anna Eskamani, a Democrat who represents Orlando.

Eskamani is among Democratic state lawmakers who are attacking the Governor over the migrant flights. They’re also defending their votes to approve the state budget that includes $12 million to “facilitate the transport of unauthorized aliens out of Florida.”

That money stems from interest earned on federal COVID relief dollars allocated to Florida.

Democratic lawmakers are also questioning the Governor’s legal ground to spend Florida dollars on refugees in Texas who are legally seeking asylum in the United States.

“We were told that this money would only be used in a voluntary basis and only impact individuals who were in Florida,” said Eskamani.

“A vote for the budget is not a carte blanche and just approval for the Governor do whatever he wants and to go beyond the law as it was intended,” Representative Fentrice Driskell said recently during a Zoom meeting hosted by Democratic lawmakers in response to the migrant flights.

For his part, DeSantis is undaunted by the controversy and has vowed to keep moving forward with the program at all costs.

“I got $12 million for us to use and we’re going to use it and you’re going to see more and more. I’m going to make sure that we exhaust all those funds,” Governor DeSantis said recently about his new immigrant relocation program.