There are still so many unknowns about the coronavirus. America's Doctor, Dr. Oz, is coming to WSFL-TV to help answer your questions.
“How do you allow people without giving up their livelihood or their need for intimacy to be with other human beings and to engage life to also be safe at the same time. I know it can be done,” said Dr. Oz.
Many of us have questions about how to fully return to public life. How “normal” will the new normal be? What precautions will we still have to take to protect ourselves from COVID-19?
Dr. Oz will be focusing on topics like these during season 12. And will bring in the experts to get the information you need.
“I’m part of a group that’s been asked to speak to the White House task force around COVID-19, discussions about what’s really going down. So I’m going to have those task force members appear on the show as they have been all along. I’m able to access the best medical experts around the country who have different opinions on what we should do in order to fare out what really makes sense for the viewer,” said Dr. Oz.
Dr. Oz emphasizes that COVID may be one of the bigger topics discussed during his show, but wants his viewers to know he’ll also be giving other health tips.
“What makes you prone to having a problem happens to be obesity, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Those are three topics I talk about all the time and I got pretty good solutions to help people lose the weight they desire to get rid of. Not just to look good at the beach this year but to also live through a COVID-19 illness if you happen to get it,” said Dr. Oz.
As we look forward to continuing to rebound, Dr. Oz sends a message of hope to South Floridians.
“Humans have faced obstacles throughout our existence and the safety net for our survival has been each other. There is no group that hangs together better than South Floridians,” added Dr. Oz.
Doctor Oz premieres Monday, September 14th at 4pm. You can watch it every Monday through Friday on WSFL-TV.